The time for summer silliness is about to end. It's time to get back to work and take yourself seriously. Well, as seriously as a person could take oneself. And I've been working all summer long... Damn, I had no summer fun?!
Not true! I went to Denmark. In June. That was fun.
Then in July I had two weeks off from work. I had an operation and was in pain. That was not fun. Except the days I could spend playing League of Legends.
Then I went to a concert in the South of Estonia and that was very much fun. and also wet as it rained the entire day.
But now it is time to switch back to regular schedule and make some sort of plan for the fall season. As I've decided, school will not be a part of my plans this year. I will work my ass off, maybe go see some friends, try out this adult life without school. I'm just so depressed about it, I fear I might have a break down if I do try to make it through one more year of university. It's too much.
So, I've decided to take a small break from it. I'm an adult, I should have the right to do so.
I've also abandoned the old me. I still like the same things in life, but I also like to dress and be different from the angsty teenager I was a year ago. I'm 23, I should have made some progress in my adult life. I might be having the mid-twenties crisis where I feel I haven't done nearly enough to call myself an adult. Being in school is not helping.
Well, anyway... Now You've been informed and caught back up with my life. September will be harsh at work, I will have to work almost double the hours since we will be one man down. Maybe in October I could relax a bit and have some fun with friends. You never know.
But until then (and probably my next post will be my new TV schedule that I make every year),
Be charming and healthy.
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