Thursday, December 11, 2014

Hobbies for the Lonely One in the Corner

I am one of those people who, thanks to my situation, have a lot of free time to spend with... myself. All alone in this cold unfair world.. Boo-hooo for me! Actually I rather enjoy it. I have found a couple of things that keep  me entertained while other people are out being social.

For example I spend some of my time reading. I have loved reading since I learned to do it. Granted my tastes in books have changed over time. There was a time when I wouldn't choose anything other than fantasy. I loved to read J.K.Rowling, C.Paolini, T.Pratchett and L.Hearn. Those are a few of the authors I really enjoyed reading. I still love their work. I actually have all of the "Harry Potter's" books in a set and all of the Inheritance Cycle. I own a couple of Terry Pratchett's novels and my friends gifted me one of L.Hearn's ones years ago. Nowadays I like to read more real world style fiction. And when I find time, I also like to read myths and historical articles. I am obsessed with Ancient Greece and the 21st century. 

Another thing I do to spend my time, is knitting and crochet. I like to make hats, scarves and socks. I find it relaxing and it keeps my restless fingers at bay. Sometimes I drive myself insane, but thank heavens, I have found something productive to do. I simply gift away all the things I make. I could very well start selling them online at one point. Need to figure out my plan before though.

My latest new hobby is cooking. I learned to cook when I was about 15. Just the basic skills, so that I wouldn't starve. Now, that I live alone, I do it for fun. I have my own notebook for recipes. I write down the recipe, make the food and add my remarks about it later. I am very fond of Asian food, so I am trying out more Asian inspired recipes at the moment. The selection in my local store is, unfortunately, scarce. But I make do. I have to improvise and be creative. And I love all things that encourage me to be creative. 

One of my oldest hobbies, I writing. It doesn't really matter if it is me writing this blog or a story somewhere else. I find tying words to be relaxing. All my hobbies are there to relax me. I am going to keep doing the blog thing for some time. I couldn't stay away. Me writing a story probably comes from the fact that I love reading so much that I'd love to be good at writing to give something back to the Universe. It's a childish fantasy of course. 

The hobby I picked up early this year is Pilates. Well, this is really like a sport thing and I have never done much sporty things before. I never went to any practices as I played the piano or I was simply the biggest nerd out there. Not the smart one, I should add. Now I have changed myself and doing those exercises has really helped me with my self-confidence. I started to do it because I felt fat. Just being honest. I was, at first, very on and off about it, but in the past couple of weeks I have started to take it seriously. It has also changed my eating habits a bit. If You want to join me on my journey to feeling better about yourself, I recommend Blogilates. C. Ho has really gotten me pumped up to be in shape and treat myself better. She posts videos on Youtube as well, You can get some good exercises from her and put together your daily routine. 

I guess I don't really have a lot of free time, as I have plenty of things to keep me busy. If I were to do all these things every day, I'd be busy, busy, busy. Fortunately for me I alternate between them. I do Pilates every day, even if it simply to get some warmth into my body. I also read almost every day and I feed myself every day. Those other two are for those extra nerve racking days I get. 

So, Go love yourself and get hobbies that make You feel like someone awesome!

Until next time,

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