Thursday, May 18, 2017


This year, I have some cool plans for the summer. I know I will spend most of my time at work, since Haapsalu is hosting more festivals and events than the previous years, which means more work, but I still managed to plan at least three events for myself. I know I usually just recap my summer in September, but this time, I will put down my plans and simply try and keep up my posting during the summer season, to let you all know how it went. To make sure I keep up with it, I will now let you know what I have planned for myself and my friends.

In June, I will skip my birthday, since turning 26 is no big deal in my book. 25 was a big deal, I had my crazy 80s party and it was amazing, this year I will probably spend my special day at work. And all because I plan to go to a rock music festival in Latvia the following weekend. It's called Metalshow and my Latvian humans promise it will be awesome as it used to be an annual thing, but I guess this year is like a comeback for it. I have been to a festival in July, Klang, for the past two years and I had hopes to go this year, but they cancelled the event and instead brought this one back. Or at least that's how I understood it. Anyway, I will be in Latvia, sleeping in a tent, headbanging my non-existent hair to some good music. Especially if Once Upon gets to perform. Wink-wink. This festival will take place from June 16th until June 18th. So, prepare yourselves for weird selfies with crazy Latvians.

In July I will be swamped with work. There's just always something happening in Haapsalu. Like every weekend is filled with events. I did snag myself tickets to see Bonnie Tyler on July 28th, right here in my lovely Haapsalu. There's a rock festival and most of the artists are old school. I really love it. It's actually a funny story on how I discovered this event, if you want to know, ask me. Still, I am super excited to see her. She's one of those artists who you might not have heard of, if you're my age, but I promise you, you know at least two of her songs. It's the same with Smokie, at least here in Estonia. With this event, I will be sharing the experience with my parents and K.K. It will be awesome. 

In August, and this is still undergoing the forming phase, I will go on a road-trip to Latvia. Again, I know. But this time I will bring K.K with me. and maybe even K.P and K.T (her boyfriend). Them, plus my Latvian crew - it will be a time to remember. We are going to an area called Latgale, there's supposed to be these amazing lakes and I think it will make it the perfect spot to just camp out and enjoy nature with my bestest of people. I can't wait until august rolls around. Every time I get to hang out with Miss Bunny is like the best time ever. I only have fun with her and my Latvian comrades. I think fusing them with my Estonians will be awesome, they already know each other and K.K and Bunny get along really well.

And that's all I have planned this summer. I am going to a play in late August, but that's a very Estonian thing, as it is based on a novel by my favourite Estonian author, A.H, Tammsaare. 

As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, I will try and force myself to take an hour after every event to post about them. I would be so proud of myself if I could keep up my posting all summer long. But I will not make any promises as I tend to bend or break them. 

All in all, summer is about to begin. I hope you have all your plans made and that your summer rocks!

With best intentions,

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