I have been the worst holiday blogger one could ever find. I am so-so sorry. It's not like I haven't had anything to write about, it's rather the opposite. There's too much to talk about. I can't put this experience into words.
Of course there are those magnificent situations that I'm dying to share. Like I got to visit Brugge again in the spring time and take a horse and carriage ride to see the town again. I also got to visit Arras, which is one amazing town. I got to enjoy the sun, because since the end of February it's been almost always 18-20 degrees. Yes, there have been some rainy days, but mostly it's just green and flowers everywhere. People have been amazing, like all of them.
And then there's the other side of the coin. I might have forgotten to pack my immune system when I arrived here. In my last post I mentioned how I'd been sick for 6 days. That continued a bit afterwards. Then I got one week of health before another sickness. And again one week okay, when angina found me. That sucked extra balls, because it was the holidays here and I could have taken the time to visit England or something. But no, I had to swallow pills and visit doctors and not eat because it was torture. Another week healthy before another sickness. I think you get what I'm trying to say.
My favourite sickness was without a doubt the chicken pox. Yes, I was one of the few people who hadn't had it. I lived my life thinking I've already had them, but as it turns out that simply wasn't the case. There was (and still is) an epidemic in school. A lot of kids are going through the varicelle (French for chicken pox). I was scared shirtless when I discovered all those little spots on my face one Monday morning. Like seriously! 22 years old and I'm just now getting the experience. I had to travel 2500 km to get the chicken pox?! Someone upstairs is being very funny with me. Luckily I only got to enjoy it for a week. And no complications. And actually no problems at all. It was a it itchy... And I couldn't go out, because it looked like puberty had hit me times 100. It was gross and annoying more than anything else. 53€ I spent on the doctor and medicine to fix myself this time. Wow!
And this week I get to experience something I think I have never had: an eye infection. What the frick is wrong with me? I just can't catch a break with this.
All I can look forward to is getting home in two days time. Then I can be sick in Estonia and spend less money on treatments. Come at me illnesses! I'm almost done here.
:) All the best, right?
And Russia: Please leave the Baltic states alone. I rather enjoy having my own country and I might have gotten some people in France interested in visiting. I also advertised St Petersburg, so some tourism heading your way as well! Possibly...
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