Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Setting New Goals!

I will be trying to change myself. Somewhat little bit. 
I would like to be more confident with myself and whatever I do online. Maybe I will pick up my vlogging again. Not that I would ever stop this "organized" blogging. Never!
I will also try to pick up the habit of posting on twitter. Again. I'm almost at 700 tweets. Most of them are random bullshit, but still, 700!

Offline, I will try to motivate myself to be more outgoing, to be more responsible and also to maybe tie up some loose ends I drag with myself from the past. That would mean talking to some people (1 person) and finally talking something through. That will be exciting. 

I will also have to start with my school work... Like yesterday. I'm so good at procrastination lately, it's sad. And it's bothering me, very much. I can't fall asleep without going through all those things I should be doing instead. But then again, I want to have some fun and relax. I'm not motivated to finish school. Not at all.

My only motivation comes from the fact that it's my fourth year and it would be stupid to quit now. I only have one more year before I graduate... Still, I need a loong break from this stressful environment. 

Look at me complaining. Just like old times. :)

Anyways, links to other stuff:

Look me up. Be my friend. :)

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