Sunday, March 27, 2016


As You might deduct from my title, I really liked my holiday in Berlin.

It was so much fun, both because there was so much to do and also because Berlin felt like home. People there are amazing. They were very friendly and I didn't feel like a tourist. Not one bit.

If You follow my Instagram, You've seen some of the pictures I took while there. I didn't want to photograph everything, because I like to live in the now and enjoy things with my eyes, not through a camera lens. And thank heavens, my memory is pretty good. 

I will say only a few words about Berlin, by comparing it to Estonia.

The people, as I said, were friendly. I don't feel like it's the case here in Estonia. Estonians can be very cold and icy at times. Germans are all quite lovely. I saw so many different types of people, from all parts of the world. Another thing we don't quite have here. Estonians can be very openly racist at times, which I truly dislike. I met some awesome Turkish people, who have made Berlin their home and they fit in. It's not obvious that they are immigrants or come from another part of the world. It seems to me, that Germans accept the different types of people and have integrated with them well.

The hotel was lovely, our room was so comfortable. I felt very much at home there. No problems with sleeping. I don't feel that good even in my childhood home. 

The sights. I mean there was so much to see. I left so much for my next trip. I want to... no need to go back there. Berlin was made for people. It is made for being an individual. Estonia accepts you only if you become a sheep, one of the crowd. I hate that. 

The food. I mean, I was prepared to spend a lot of money eating, but as it turns out, the prices are quite similar to Estonia's. I didn't spend more there than I would here. A big plus. 

The public transport was so awesome. We took the U-Bahn metro every day and it felt as if that's the only way to truly travel between locations. I wish we had a metro system here. Always on time, logical and accessible. Not once did I see anyone checking tickets. Germans must live for a honour system. 

Coming back to this sleepy part of the world, I feel as if I left a piece of me behind. Waiting for my return. 

I suppose I can feel at home anywhere. As long as it's not Estonia. I wonder what that's about. Maybe I do need to move away and find my place in the world. Somewhere else. 

As of this morning, I have begun a side project translating a book into English. Maybe that could be my way out of this sleepy place. We'll see how it goes. 

Until my next enlightened post,

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