Thursday, August 18, 2016


First of all, here are plenty of SPOILERS, so if You plan to see it for yourself and don't want to know what's what beforehand, click away now! Take this as a Terms of Agreement, no complaining afterwards.

Should I start with the positive or the negative? Let's finish on a good note, so here come all the points I think DC and WB should focus on, if they ever want to catch up to Marvel. And just FYI, I went and saw the movie twice. I am ashamed I gave them so much of my money, but I wanted to check, whether or not I actually enjoyed the movie.

So, let's begin with the most important character in the DCEU: the Joker. He is the most interesting character, either villain or just a piece of the DC puzzle. the media and advertisements made it seem like the Joker was going to be a massive part of the story. I was so excited. I like Jared Leto, he's pretty impressive. Either You enjoy his creepy film roles or his music, he makes an impression. So, when they announced he was going to play the next Joker, I wasn't worried. Not one bit. Yes, I love the Heath Ledger Joker, it might be the best character work in any of the comic book themed films, but since his Joker was simply part of a trilogy, that it now complete, we should move on a bit and let someone else portray the character. I mean, the DCEU without the Joker would suck.  

Anyways, I think I've defended the choice of actors. Let's get back to the movie. As I was saying, I was super excited to see the new Joker. I mean the trailers seemed to promise quite a bit of the character. And here lies DC's first and one of the biggest mistakes with this film: there was so little of him in the film, less than in the trailers. That's what I call CATFISHING THE FANS! Seriously?! His actions didn't have any real impact. Yes, the Harley flashbacks were important and needed to include him, but the present time story? The Joker is someone who would not fail the way he was written to. Fail to crab her hand and fall back into the crashing helicopter? That is so third tier villain material. The only thing that kind of softens this massive blow is the fact that Jared Leto himself is also pissed about this and has no idea what happened to his performance. I have my fingers crossed we will get to see some more of his Joker.

Now let's go over the rest of the team. I get that this film was supposed to focus on Harley and Deadshot, but Slipknot was so underdeveloped. It was actually disturbing how they treated that character. They gave him one bad-ass moment when he first steps into the story and then they make him into this gullible idiot who goes along with Captain Boomerang's theory. And he's dead. Alright. I get his death was so that the other team members would know that there is a very real threat they might blow up, but come on. Did anyone care about that character after that kind of an introduction? Meh! And talking about Captain Boomerang, I get the fact he was inserted as the comic relief, but Amanda Waller did mention he survived an encounter with a metahuman - the Flash - therefore he should be a bad-ass also, right? The Flash is not the softest of superheroes. At least not according to CW. El Diablo and Killer Croc. They were nice supportive add-ons to the Harley-Deadshot show.  The fact that el Diablo is now dust, is kind of sad. That was the right way to kill someone off, let us learn something about him and develop some sort of a connection with the character.

And this brings us to the Enchantress. in the beginning she's supposed to be part of the team, they never meet though. Not before she has developed into the main villain. Who saw that coming? They built up her character like all the rest of the team. And what a weird character she was. In the comics, at least so I've heard, she's been part of the superhero clubs. So isn't making her the main villain who loses in the end, kind of like spitting in my porridge and then serving it to me as breakfast? 

I didn't mention Katana, because, what did she even do? What was her place in this story? 

And let's briefly complain about the ending. If they had not used obnoxious amounts of slow motion, we could have gotten way more character development. The final boss battle was so slowed down, does DC think we are idiots and can't follow regular story progression speeds? It was so annoying. Oh, and DC: I get the fact they are trying to catch up to Marvel, but if they keep stealing ideas from Marvel-yetnotMarvel properties, don't pick the Fantastic Four (2015). Big beam into the sky? I saw that shit last year, also in August. It that going to be like a thing from now on? Big beams in August. Damn. Leave that kind of ideas out of the writing rooms from now on. BORING and STUPID!

I'll just mention real quick how the dialogue was a bit predictable at points and the re-shoots were a bit too noticeable. Get someone like Monk to make sure someones wet hair doesn't suddenly comb itself and try off. For someone with a mild case of OCD, it's very disruptive. 

Alright. Done with the bashing part of this program. Let's do the positive point now. 

Amanda Waller was "gangsta" (as Deadshot put it). She is supposed to be this hard ass, bad-ass biatch. Viola Davis got that part right. Although in the end the gave all the members something for saving the world. I don't know if that is really her style. 

The comedic writing was at times quite on point. Yet I need to mention that this move didn't know what it really was. Deadpool is an awesome example of a movie that can balance the comedy with the violence. See, some Marvel-yetnotMarvel properties are worth copying. 

Harley Quinn was adorable. I liked her. She was more than the Joker's crazy girlfriend. Somehow falling into Ace Chemicals made her a gun-wielding, bat-hitting bad-ass.And good for DC. Every superhero/villain flick could use a female lead. And I'm saying this as someone who's not feminist in the slightest. 

I'm out of positive points. Obviously the negative ones outweigh the positive ones and I think that is why it's doing so poorly with the critics. If You watch Marvel films, you expect some sort of amazingness, that DC just can't seem to grasp. The trailers are always amazing, but the films themselves are a let down. Let's not even mention Batman v Superman. 

All in all I give it 5,5 out of 10, OLD FAIL. And I'm supper kind with this. I want more and better from DC. Batman has been my favorite character for some time. Unfortunately, Iron Man is close to crabbing that with Deadpool. In general I am a Marvel person. They just haven't disappointed me the way DC keeps doing. 

Alrighty then!

Until next time,

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