Friday, September 02, 2016


It is time yet again for me to give the Universe a sense of what I have and have not done this summer that is now over.  

Firstly, I was a chef yet again this season and I enjoyed it very much indeed. The hours are the best thing about this position. No night shifts. At all. 

Then I should mention the three times I went to Latvia. First was in June when Ms Bunny finished her university and asked me to be there. How could I say no? The ceremony was very different from the way we do it in Estonia, therefore it was interesting. And I mostly understood nothing. Always an added bonus. 

Then I went to Klang, again. This time I borrowed my amazing dad's car and slept in it. So this time I enjoyed myself even more than last year. There was an Estonian band called Liblikas, who some of my group members quite liked. We took selfies afterwards. And I bought their t-shirt. 

And the third time was just a week ago, when we went on a road-trip to the Western part of Latvia. I saw Kolka, Ventspils and Kuldīga. All unique and interesting in their own way. Although we as a group have agreed upon remembering that Kolka is just wind and sand, nothing more to see. 

I also attended K.K's graduation in June. She looked so damn pretty I still can feel the jealousy in my head. Some people just got it and the rest of us need to accept it. But still- DAMN!!!! 

I also went and canoed on Emajõgi for two days in August. It was the first time I did something like that. It was so awesome, I cannot wait to do something like that again with the girls. I wish we could all hang out more, but once you graduate secondary school, you move apart and then you slowly, but surely grow apart. Now we are all such awesome adults, we can re-connect with each other and do stuff together again.

And my grandmother celebrated her 75th birthday early in August. We had like 25 people to feed and entertain. I was in charge of the menu and preparation, with a lot of help from my mom and grandmom herself. Little sister helped to clean a little bit and her bf and the dad but together a huge party tent in our backyard, since it was raining and our house cannot fit that many people at once. It all worked out great! 

So. Lastly I will describe my own birthday, which was in June. It was a themed costume party. Why you might ask?. Because it would be boring just to sit around and play Cards Against Humanity if you weren't dressed like some 80s weirdo. And what else would you expect from someone like me? It was a lot of fun. I was really glad that most of the people I invited could make it and a little bit sad about the guys and gals who had to cancel due to various reasons. I was especially sad about S.S not making it. I would have liked for Ms Bunny to meet him. And he would have made me laugh like an idiot. Even more than I did. I always laugh and smile more when he is around. Good friends are so special to me. 

It's actually his birthday today, so on the off chance he reads this post in the near future: HAPPY BIRTHDAY S.S!!!! Many happy returns! 

Anyways, this completes our little quest to fill everyone in about my boring life. Time to be an adult and get up! 

I'll see you when I see you!!

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