Thursday, July 13, 2017


As most of my friends and maybe even some of my more regular readers will know, I am a big movie lover, especially this over-created superhero movie genre. I think I have seen every superhero movie, that has come out since 2007. And a bunch that came out before that, obviously. 

I never seem to miss my money if I spend it on a superhero movie. Even if the movie sucks really bad. 

But this post is going to be about the expectations and reality I have experienced in the cinema, when it comes to these types of films. 

I will only write about the films that were massive let downs or amazing surprises. All those mediocre films they make, those can fade into oblivion. 

The most anticipated film, so hyped up that you just need to believe it’s going to be amazing, in the recent years, would be Batman v Superman. I mean they started showing us trailers way too soon, building up their film as their answer to Marvel’s dominion. Fans, myself included, were excited to see Batman go head-to-head with Superman. It divided the fans. It created discussions and arguments alike. And then it came out. And it was such a let down. It wasn’t a horrible film, but it wasn’t the film they promised and what I as a Batman fan expected. I was actually quite angry afterwards, but I remained hopeful, that at least Suicide Squad could make me believe in DC again. 

And then that monstrosity came out. I don’t really have anything nice to say about it anymore. You might just want to read my post about that film, I think I did point out some forgiving qualities in that. It’s just that, there more time passes and the more great films Marvel makes, the worse it seems. The more heart broken I am that they promised something amazing and failed to deliver. It was like a online purchase from eBay. You see this amazing prom dress and you order it, what you receive is nothing like the image promised. Maybe the colour is accurate, but the rest of it is just insulting to the eyes and ears. Putting out an extended version with most of the scenes people were excited to see, that doesn’t help either. DC just comes out as a money crabbing asshole, who promises the world, delivers a piece of it and then holds the rest of it hostage. “Pay me more money and then you will get the movie you wanted!” That kind of behaviour will not be tolerated forever. 

As I’m beating on DC, I should just point out the one film, where they actually exceeded my personal expectations. Wonder Woman. I was so let down and hurt by all those recent films they produced, I really didn’t have high hopes for this film. I am glad to report, that I was wrong to expect shit and found myself really enjoying a DC film for the first time since Nolan’s Batman. Well done, I must say. It wasn’t boring or overly sappy. Well acted, directed and edited. No space beams with trash, thank heavens. Sacrifice is also something I really like, I don’t particularly gravitate towards sorties that have a sappy happy ending. My friend M.K was a bit ticked off about the lack of it, but I think it made sense. 

As for some other reality exceeding the expectations, Marvel did it originally with Iron Man. Then there’s Guardians of the Galaxy. And I am really hoping that Spider-Man: Homecoming doesn’t end up in the let down pile. So far the feedback is positive and I will see it tomorrow evening. I’m sure I’ll tweet out my first impression afterwards. 

Another series that firstly exceeded expectations and sadly then totally let me down, was the latest X-Men trilogy. They really got my hopes up and then they ruined it. I will not dwell on the sadness I experienced watching that. 

Movies that delivered as promised, they are such a rarity in my opinion, that I just need to point them out: Deadpool, Avengers (the first one), Captain America: Civil War and Fantastic Four (2015). 

Before you lynch me, I did say delivered as promised. Who in their right mind expected that film to be anything but the shit storm it was? I knew it was going to suck from the first trailer. And yet, I payed money to see it. I must admit, I deeply regret doing that. But I suppose what doesn’t kill you…

All in all, Hollywood needs to stop with the catfishing and just give us what they promise. An awesome trailer makes shitty movies seem even worse than they actually might be. Raising our expectations sky high simply to get some seats in the cinema sold, just to let us down… eventually people are going to grow sick of it and your films will not bring in the big bucks. 

I am going to end this rant for now. I think this might become a topic I will revisit with different types of situations. Let’s say once a month I rant about something that raises our expectations and how the reality of it is simply lacking in all aspects. We’ll see. 

As of now, I bid you farewell and I might see you again next week!


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