Friday, August 24, 2012

Summer Recap in 100 words...

Well, obviously I am physically incapable to stick to just 100 words, so the title is already misleading. But that doesn't mean I won't try to tell you what was so important that I have neglected my blogisphere.

Firstly, I decided not to find a job after all. I wanted to rest and not learn a new trait, because come fall I'm back to homework and just regular work. I wanted to rest and gather my strength. The resting part started with a bang: RabaRock 2012, which was a huge let down as the Rock part of it is, in my mind, driven to extinction. They really need to either change the name or pick their musical acts better. Miss K and I decided that it was going to be our last. We are way to cheap to spend all that money and time to just whine about something. So, next year it's going to be Hard Rock Camp or nothing at all. Okay, I will be honest and say that there were a few nice bands, but they do not weigh out the crap they force on people. We enjoyed, very much, Reckless Love. They're a Finish glam rock band from the 21st century. Very entertaining. Also Merwis was cool. You see my point? Two days of music and I only named two bands. It's so sad and also very bad. 

After my little endeavor with that festival, I spent almost a hole month being by mum's slave. Anything and everything that needed to be done, I was the doer.  It's okay, I knew what I signed up for. I did manage to escape home a few times. I visited Haapsalu for two days and saw A. That was nice and unbelievably the best thing about my summer. Well... July maybe. Then I attended a birthday party. It was a big surprise to the birthday kid. He loved it. Then I went to see Batman 3 (The Dark Knight Rises), again A was present. Loved the movie and it left me with wanting more. They have to make at least one more.My friends also made me watch Prometheus, but I have no good emotions about that. I do not like or watch movies about aliens that attack. I can't stand them. 

In August I went on a nine day trip with my mother. I wanted to strangler her. I love her, but spending 216 hours with her non-stop is way too much. It got annoying pretty fast. But the places we visited were amazing. I saw the following countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Lichtenstein, Switzerland and France. Isn't that awesome!? The one thing everyone has asked was: did you see anything cool? Well I did see some cool things, but usually I just tell them about one thing: Ludwig II toilet. I mean how many people can say they've seen a Germanic kings private toilet? Well, it looked like a big leather chair with a hole. Awesome. Also I climbed a fall and that is pretty amazing for someone who is scared of heights. I'm super proud of myself. 

Okay, I think I've given you some idea of what I've been up to. Now for some news: Dith will continue the minute I get back to work and school. The Kiss Of Death is also coming along quite nicely. I will try to fit one chapter per week. Since its a re-write it's a bit easier to do than Dith is. I'm working on chapter two at the moment. Yeah, but I think I'll post it when chapter one has already bee up for a week. I can't promise anything specific, but I will try to pick up regular blogging again. Summer just really isn't the time when I manage to keep my promises. 

xoxo Regina.

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