Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hello Universe!

This is just a short hello note to explain what is going to fill this particular blog ( So, some may be familiar with the fact that I like to create nonsense. Well, here's some old, but now re-written and defined, nonsense. It used to be called Loving Hate, but since I finished the story, I thought it needed a new title. And I've made some other decisions how to make it better. Or at least I hope it will be better now. When I started the story I lacked consistence and the story line was very hop-hop at some points. So now I'm re-writing it. And since Dith is also going to keep on running, but I can't promise to post it regularly because well... It's a creative activity and my fantasy can't be pushed. So, if you enjoy (fingers crossed) Demon in the Heart, maybe you should check out The Kiss of Death. Of course the title might change again. The same might happen to Dith... Oh, and I think I will give Dith also its own blog space, since it's so frustrating to mix my regular blog posts with Dith. Need to organise better! 

So, you've been notified and I'll see you soon.

xoxo Regina.

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