Back at school and also back at work. Everything seems to be the same as last year. There are a few developments that kind of sway my happiness to either side. The best thing about this semester is that all my Wednesdays are free and I can use it for either work or sleep. Mostly for sleep probably. Then every other Friday is also free. And my work schedule this month is off the wall. I mean I only have 11 shifts and that's a very low amount. Also I got exactly what I asked for. So no worries, my schedule is the best at the moment.
My clouds are thin, but they are present. At the moment I'm already beginning to get swamped by school work. A teacher left our class (about 50 people) yesterday with an awesome assignment: we are supposed to read a 260 page book by next class. 260 pages is not too much and the next class will be on Sept 24th I think. The problem is, that there aren't enough books in town. Our college only had ten and those went like warm bread (Estonian saying). Then I ran around town to find any copy of it and got so close, I almost even touched it. But of course something had to go terribly wrong. At the first location I had to register as a reader. While I was busy doing that a classmate and also a close friend crabbed the only copy that was available there. So close and yet so far, as they say. Then I ran to the next place and they were willing to lend out their stationary copy. So I hand my totally new and unused reader's card and she looks up at me and says: "But you already have this book." I was like: "No, I don't." But she was sure I did. Then I put the picture together: my classmate got the book under my name. So technically I did lend out that dreadful book I so do not want to read, but I just didn't have it. Never did. Oh the humor of this situation. I laughed so hard thanks to the librarian's mistake. So funny.
Oh another little cloud in my ever so blue sky, would be my parents' birthdays. As they are only three days apart, they always celebrate them at the same time. Which of course means two presents and that much more money needs to be spent. Every year I try to come up with something better. This year I might have a plan, but I also am low on cash. as usual, the beginning of a new school year is a mother f###ing robber and there are so many unexpected situations that need resolving. I had to buy so much stuff that I discovered the need for. For example, and this might be quite funny, my jeans just broke. It was the first day back to Haapsalu and they decided it was the perfect time to quit on me. Damn! I needed to buy a new pair. That by itself was a challenge, as I'm still carrying my summer weight, which I'm desperately trying to lose now that I'm back to a normal schedule. Anyway, I might have to ask my father for some more financial aid and I hate doing that. I'm so old, that getting by without their help should be no problemo, but yeah, I'm not the best when it comes to keeping an eye out for my expenses. I got used to living quite lavishly last year when I made more money, but I just got back to work so no pay check yet. Guess we'll see when I hit rock bottom and have to call daddy. Urgh, not looking forward to it at all.
Oh, one more small cloud: I (still and continuously) hate my next door neighbors. They annoy me so much, it's getting to the point that I'm ready to commit murder. First week back and already they need to party and keep me up all night. I need to sleep if I'm to function properly. Ever human does. And unlike them I have to get up at 6.30 almost all the time, even on Saturdays and Sundays. They might live a life where classes begin after noon and so they have a chance to sleep until they feel rested, but I have to get up early and... Ranting yet again a bit too much.
Okay, I will end my awesome storytelling course at this very spot and not a peep out of me anymore! I will only say this: have more fun than I'm having and I seriously hope you're not dealing with the same kind of assholes as am I.
xoxo Regina.
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