Thursday, November 22, 2012

Et Cetera

I have enjoyed my week off work immensely. It is the best thing when you have exams and/or a lot of other school work to do. That being said, I really could do with a break from school. I like it more when I have just work and no school. That is definitely easier and preferable. The mental work I do at school is a lot heftier than what I do at work. With work I know exactly what is expected of me and what needs doing. There are no surprises or big thinking required as I've worked there long enough to know that business like the back of my hand. School offers new challenges all the time. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to challenge yourself from time to time, but why it always ends up happening in the same week, I can't comprehend. 

But enough about my usual problems. This here is going to be a more plan for the future blog. I will make a promise and let you know what I will post and where in the next few weeks. That doesn't mean I won't do stuff out of schedule, don't worry, I will bug you with the little annoying details about my life whenever I can. :) But I will have to post some stuff and that needs proper planning.

1. My Twilight saga BD pt2 review will be coming up soon to my blog:  . I already posted on that particular blog that this will be the last review on that blog. I thought that since I have spent a bit too much attention to that saga before, I will try to summon my literary super powers and come up with one more before I retire with the franchise itself. I have already seen the movie, so it might even happen this weekend (which I will spend with my family). 

2. The Kiss of Death will soon have chapter 5 up. I planned to post it in December and I might still go with that, but if I manage to get it done the way I like it, it might be up a bit earlier. I guess we'll see how it goes. I do have a lot of school work to do, but I find blogging and writing up stuff relaxing and I manage to find a way and time for it.

Now comes the part where I recommend something. I just finished reading another Nicholas Sparks novel. I'm not the type of person who usually enjoys literature like that, but Sparks has sparked something in me. I might even be a fan. So far I've finished 3 of his novels: "Dear John", "The Lucky One" and now (seriously, I finished it like 20 minutes ago) "A Walk To Remember". That might be my favorite of them so far. The movie is a tearjerker, but the book... If I wasn't so tired I might have not finished it at all as the pages were filled with emotions. It's truly about an epic love. And so, I would recommend it to people who like to read romantic dramas, who don't mind crying while reading and who either love God or can manage to ignore the references and just enjoy the story. I plan to read more of his work, maybe even all of them as so far I'm yet to be disappointed in it. 

I've wasted, yet again, enough Internet space, hence I will retire and get some actual sleep while listening to Korn. Good night and sleep tight. Or good morning and have a nice day.

Regina x)

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