Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Gotham - Fail!

I have talked about pilots before (like when Arrow came out in 2012 - here ). Then I got to use only (or mostly) positive tones, as I was very impressed with their pilot episode. Now it is time to set things into balance and discuss how a pilot can be disappointing. 

The show I am going to softly bash, is "Gotham". I know! I know, it's a show about the town (or city?) where BATMAN comes from. Yet I found myself cringing the whole time. This is one of those new shows I was expecting to watch. Now I'm confused. 

The pilot begins with little Catwoman stealing milk and running around. Then they kill of Bruce's parents and James Gordon (played by the angsty Benjamin McKenzie) is introduced to us all as the too good and honest detective he is. First controversy with the Nolan movies: Gordon wasn't a detective (yet) when the Wayne's got whacked. Okay, moving on. Then Alfred comes along and he is without a doubt way to much of a smart mouth. Michael Kane was way more British than this one. 

We also see Riddler as a weird CSI person, the Penguin as a bullied gangster and Poison Ivy as the daughter of an abusive father who is framed for the murder of the Wayne's. The whole freaking episode is about the Wayne's. And that is the most important event in Gotham's history. Now they've already done it. 

Let's talk about the cliché dialogues that are so predictable it's painful. I hate pilots simply because actors are so stiff in their characters, it is really physically painful to watch. Who ever directed this episode needs to do better next time. You do know that You are allowed to film a scene more than once, right? Maybe even yell at the actors, if everything else fails to produce a decent product. Man it was painful.

And our last point is: time-period capture! What era was this action in? The police drive around in shiny 80s cars, Prius' pass them on the streets, they use cellphones that didn't exist before 2005... and Harvey dresses like he's from the 80s cop shows. What the hell?!

So, what I would like to see in the next episode: firstly set an era in which the story takes place. Don't cop out because it's easier. If the action takes place in the 80s, lose the damn cellphones! If it takes place in our modern present, give them iPhones and a decent car to drive. Also, the wardrobe, man! It needs some serious attention. 

Secondly, the writing and acting can be improved upon. A lot. Like a ton's worth. 

Lastly, introduce more villains that are already adults. I don't really see the point of us watching Catwoman and Poison Ivy grow up. That could and would take years. YEARS that this show won't get if it continues like this. It's sad, but it's the truth. 

Being the origin story of Batman's home is not going to be enough to keep people watching. I consider myself to be a decent fan of Batman and I am already questioning whether or not I should waste my time with it. I'll give it the required second episode and then I'll make up my mind... Sad to see something with great roots fail on such an epic scale. 


P.S. I wouldn't mind some Harley Quinn as Nolan's Batman's failed to bring her in. That I would approve!

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