Saturday, January 03, 2015

New Year's Resolutions

As a person who knows there's much I could do differently, I have never made any resolutions. It's not part of my culture to make them. It's an American tradition, as far as Estonians are concerned. We do not partake in such foolish activities, We are way too serious to enjoy life and relax. Estonians are hard working and lack a sense of humour. Everything has to be serious. Done seriously. 

So, as a person who has also always said that I am not an Estonian - not really - I could make those resolutions, right? 

The most common resolutions are of course: lose weight, save money, get fit, eat healthy and drink less. How boring.

I will make the following resolutions:
1. I will not be as pessimistic as I usually am.
2. I will get my PC fixed, so that when GTA V comes out for PC I can actually play it.
3. I will try to excell in university, but I refuse to kill myself for it.
4. I will not succumb to the urge to start smoking again.
5. I will go on my Europe trip in June/July.

6. I will complete the "2015 Reading Challenge". 

I think 6 is a pretty good number for my first try. Those boring ones are something people should do anyways. Why make a resolution like that only once a year? We should all try to be the best verison of ourselves, and we should do it all year long. So, I will not add these to my list, they are something I've been trying to do for a while now. I think it's working...

What are your resolutions? 
Why do you make them? If you make them...
At the end of the year, how many can you honestly say you've completed?

Anyhow, all my best to y'all. I'm off to cooking vegetables and re-re-re-re-re-re-re-watching "HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban".


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