Sunday, February 01, 2015

Near Death Experiences

I am a relatively lucky person. There have been only a few moments in my life when I've wondered if I might actually die or get hurt badly. 

The first time something quite scary happened to me, was when I was maybe 4-5 years old. I climbed a tree, as I did every day. This time was different, 'cause I fell. It wasn't the best tree to climb, because the only thing that was below to "break" my fall, was a stone wall. I managed to bounce my head on it and stumble away. Knocked out for some time. Got to enjoy bed rest for a week or so. The only time I've blacked out. Scary and I can still remember it. 

The second happening, occurred when I was maybe 8 years old. I took a nice stroll with my sister. We wanted to go play in the reed. It was winter. There was some weak ice and a slightly deep pool of water and then splash! me in it trying to not drown. I did not know then how to swim, I panicked. My sister froze and just stared at me. I wiggled myself out, wet up to my armpits and ran home. It was cold and wet and scary. I still have some residue of it: I am afraid of deep water.

After that, I can't really remember any other times when I was about to die. I think as I got older I became very careful and composed. I developed a fear of heights, which is bull droppings, because climbing trees used to be my favorite thing. I used to hide in trees. 

The only other occasions I can honestly think off, are the two times I almost crashed my car thanks to the road conditions being crap. First one happened two or three years ago. The second one last Sunday. Yup! I almost reached a ditch. It is scary. Here we have to take a special class on how to behave when something like this happens. I am pretty good in crisis, but when that happens, I lose my mind and just hold on to the steering wheel and hope I don't die. 

So. I leave it open for you to add to. What are your near death experiences? Have you any? Let me know!!


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