Thursday, April 16, 2015

Addicted to the Needle

I have a small problem with an addiction to using the needle. And by the needle I don't mean Arya Stark's sword. I mean a regular stitching needle I use to make cross stitch bookmarks or other small projects. Yeah, by looking at the title, you might have thought this was going somewhere else, am I right?

I have this addiction to arts and crafts, that has completely taken over my everyday life. I mean I change the basic variables every year, but the main problem remains the same. I like to create things with my hands.

Last year I was really into crochet and making scarves and whatnot's. The year before that I was into knitting. This year it's time for stitching. I have created quite a few bookmarks and/or other small items I usually give away. I will add some examples for your judgement:

Basically I am addicted to annoying myself. These little pieces of "art" take time and patience. I am not a very patient person in general. I can't do one thing all that long without doing something else to distract myself. And this is not a cheap obsession. 

I have bought several books with patterns or techniques in them. My mother has bought some for me as a present, because she supports all my insane hobbies. Here's the bookmark I made for her:

I'm also addicted to Pinterest where I can spend hours upon hours searching for cool patterns or ideas to create. I have a whole dropbox folder full of patterns I probably will never use. And I like to use this online pattern maker to make even more patterns I never use. 

My stitching addiction as gotten so bad, that I am already thinking about this year's Christmas cards and what I might do with this new-found obsession. It's April for Heaven's sake! 

Is there are group for this? It seems as if there's a support group for about anything in the world, so why not this? My Instagram is a complete arts and crafts corner. I do enjoy the attention they are somewhat getting from complete strangers. People seem to like my little works and I feel as if this validates my addiction. 

Anyways, I will stop ranting about my needle works. You can follow me on my Instagram (yipsusrex) and see fro yourself if you are interested in them. I really should get going now, I haven't hold a needle in my hands for about 30 minutes, I'm showing some slight withdrawal symptoms. 

Don't prick yourselves,

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