Monday, May 11, 2015


Why is it that whenever something amazing is created, a fan has to avoid all social media? Why are there so many spoilers? 

Ever since the first Iron Man movie, I've been a fan of the MCU. After seeing the first Avengers' movie, I've been waiting for the next one. And this year, finally, it came out. I premiered on May 1st, which was a date I circled in my calendar a long time ago. Unfortunately I couldn't go and see the movie before May 9th and thanks to the ever-growing World Wide Web, I had to dodge spoilers left and right. This meant no tumblr or any kind of interview with the cast. Spoilers are a part of our society. Part of our everyday life.

No spoilers here: I liked the movie, a lot. It had great parts and some not so great parts. All in all, an awesome time spent. And this is how much I will say about it for now. 

Back to the task at hand: spoilers. 

I understand that fans need to geek out when something they love releases new bits and pieces. I get that, trust me. I am the same, I love to nerd out about a lot of different things. Especially when it's about superheroes or fantasy. But at the same time I am somewhat capable of reigning it in and not spoiling everything. I at least try to be decent. When I write my reviews, I aspire to not share too many details. I sometimes fail, because of the feels. For that I am sorry. 

And I'm not saying that people who spoil are the devil. They mostly do it very creatively, by creating images, gifs or other interesting mediums. People who, out of spite, try to spoil things, well... them I dislike. With fiery rage. 

But why are we spoiling everything? There has to be a reason behind this phenomenon. And the reasons are the movie companies who create these films we love. They start spoiling things by creating 3-minute-long trailers. They have, for some odd reason, come to the conclusion that everything needs to be shared and disclosed. Let's keep to our example. Avengers 2 has a teaser trailer, I don't know how many long trailers and some spotlights for different characters. Why? When I saw the movie, I already knew way too much about it. I get it if it were the first one, uncertain of it's success they would need to get our attention. But with a sequel to their biggest grossing film... I don't see the point. We, the fans, already knew we were going to see it. And I'm pretty sure there's plenty of us out there for them to make a decent profit. Why spoil the fun? TMI, movie companies, TMI. 

Just imagine what life would be like if we were to spoil everything about everything? It would be like an IRL Twitter feed. Constant "I'm pooping", "I just ate" and "I'm bored" feed of nonsense. No thank you. Social media is trying to morph us into over-shearing zombies. How many times have you checked your Twitter, Facebook or Instagram today? How many seconds have you spent watching something else than you're phone's screen? How many empty, pointless sentences have you shared with the Universe? I'm not trying to be annoying on purpose. I am guilty just as much as the next guy. By writing this post, I am encouraging all of you to spend minutes staring at my empty words. So, here's a spoiler for you: this blog is lame.

So. Yeah. I think I have shared all my imminent thoughts on the matter. 

Stay cool, don't spoil things for others.

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