Saturday, June 20, 2015


I will start with a sentence and we'll see where it takes us. 

I like the Estonian weather. I mean it's summer time, but it's not too hot or sunny. Therefore I can spend time outside without 30+SPF sunscreen and without that disgusting layer of sweat that appears the minute you try and do something physical. If it were up to me, I'd let this summer stay the way it is now - cool and cloudy with a chance of rain. I like rain.

I know it's an unpopular opinion, most people want the 30+ C degrees and sun to roast their skin blackish, I don't. If it were my kind of summer, the heat would stay below 25 all season. I can manage 25, barely. 

Why am I complaining about the weather? I have nothing better to bitch about. My life is quite alright at the moment, I am content with it. I discovered recently that I like the average life. I don't want the wealth or excitement that most people crave for. I want a decent job, that I am happy with. I want (someday) a family that's not too big or small, average. Maybe like two kids and a cat or something. I want a medium sized house, I'd prefer not to live in an apartment for the rest of my life. 

All I want is average. That makes me kind of boring, but hey! boring is average.


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