Wednesday, April 20, 2016



Let's just be super honest here and say that I am totally confused about my life. I wish I could say that it's all figured out, but in reality I am unsure about everything. 

Firstly, should I stay in Haapsalu, where I am very happy with my working life, have some good friends and can enjoy a lot of peace and quiet, or should I make an effort to move back to Pärnu, where I need to find a job and a place to live, but I have tons of friends and my family is close by. I don't know. I really love them both. They have their pros and cons. I haven't discussed it with many people in my life, I don't know what to do about this.

Secondly, I am not sure if my personal life is heading in one or the other direction. Am I going to stay alone and single for the rest of my life? I wasn't worried a few years back about being on my own, but I'm turning 25 soon and it seems I should have at least some idea as to what I'm going to do about my life. Maybe I'm thinking too much about it. But... I'm not actively doing anything about it either. I don't go out to meet guys I would be interested in dating. I am still hoping He will just appear and sweep me off my feet. Silly girl.

Lastly, I am really tempted to move to Riga and totally leave Estonia behind. And if not Riga, then maybe France or Germany or any other country that I have been to and feel as if I could actually live there. I am so sick of living in this whining community with racism and homophobia. I need a place that is open minded and has realised it's the 21st century and things have changed since the 1990s. I sometimes feel as if I'm living in the past. My family is the worst example in this category, because they represent all I hate. 

I guess I got that out now.
All ideas and creative suggestions are welcome. 
Please vote in the poll located on the right! I need help.

Until next time!!

1 comment:

Janne said...

Mine välismaale! Eesti on tore, aga mujal on ka äge :D