Sunday, September 25, 2016


You might call me an infidel for not having a religion I stick to myself as a label. I am not atheist or agnostic in its purest sense. I don't belong to any one belief, as I believe in many things that might go with one or the other religious outlook. I will try to, very shortly, explain what I do believe in an why I find religion as a concept to be antiquated and unnecessary for me. This is not me trying to bash on religions, I support our freedom to believe and practise whatever religion you see fit for yourself. I like to learn about all the religions, they are still one of the most important aspects of human development, both culturally and historically. 

I don't think I actually need a religion to be a good person. Why would I need some book or set of godly rules to be kind to others. To take care of my fellow humans. It should be common sense, that everyone deserves a helping hand. At least until we do something as inhumane as taking another life or destroying someones life with our actions. I have a firm and conservative opinion as to how we should punish people who go against laws of humanity. 

When someone tells me they are Christian or this or that, I don't have a stigmatic view of them. They can be one of the most normal people I ever meet or they can be a total fanatic who spend hours trying to convert me into their corner of the world. I like my open-mindedness towards all aspects of life. That's why I feel so strongly about homophobia and racism. I hate them. And I don't hate many things in this world. Tomatoes and those two things. Hate consumes too much brainpower. 

And actually this is another thing that sometimes ticks me off about religion. The hate fanatic religious people feel towards people who might not fit into their perfect world ideas, it sickens me. I don't want to be part of a religious group that says that a person can't love another because it's supposed to be a man and a woman. I simply don't have time or energy for that shit.

Another reason for me not having a religion is that all of them have some great points. And all of them have some ugly ones as well. In Christianity I am supposed to take it in faith that someone has decided my life for me. In Buddhism, what and how my life turns out is a direct reflection of my actions. But then in Buddhism I am supposed to believe in rebirth and that freaks me out. I like the idea that I only get to do this once. It gives my actions and decisions some weight. YOLO! or as the youngsters say. 

All in all, I have nothing against religion or religious people. I went to a school where we had religious studies four times, three of them were mandatory. And I really enjoyed it. I am a huge fan of history and without religion, people wouldn't have gotten shit done. But today, we don't need religion to move things forward. Technology has us covered on that front. I personally feel that my life is already pretty amazing and I simply have no need for religion. 

Those are my opinions on this very touchy subject. I feel as if I am a rationalist who looks at religion as a concept and picks the points that seem more important. I have nothing to say about all the different variations of god we have. Believing in a higher power suits a lot of people. I'm just not one of them. And if this line of thinking condemns me to an eternity of fire and brimstone or I am born again as a dung-beetle, so be it.    At least it was a result of my own actions and thoughts, not some dictated viewpoint I was forced to accept without questions. I could add here that I am baptised, in Christianity, Lutheran version. I don't hold it against my mother, that she decided it was a good idea, it's just something that gave me a cool second first name: Eva. 

And this is really where I will end my "short" post about religion. 

Until next time, when I have a crazy idea,

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