Thursday, April 13, 2017


I have been posting on this blog since 2008. That's how freaking old my only write in English experiment has been. I don't think we're quite done with it, yet, but I will now waste Your time with a topic, that is oddly not important. Not even to me.

When I first started this blog I had no idea how much work it would be. And I say this knowing full well that I am a terrible blogger. I just can't seem to motivate myself to write these posts on a regular basis. Actually, I wrote this post two weeks ago. I just scheduled it to come out today, so that I could pretend to be a decent blogger. We'll see how long that experiment within my experiment lasts. Last time I use the word experiment in this post. Semi-promise. Haha!

Anyways, I wanted to use this place as a small "Look what I did today!" place. Twitter wasn't really a thing for Estonians back then (it's still not that popular, if you exclude our previous president...). And even though my posts were incredibly short compared to the novels I post now, I still couldn't fit my ramblings into 140 characters. I did some reading and simple browsing in my posts' archives and found that before 2011/2012, my posts were quite reasonable in length. I guess I didn't come out of my imaginary Internet shell before that. Now, try and stop me from writing a fucking memoir about my boring life. I dare You!

I also used to post about random, impersonal stuff. I still sometimes do that, with my reviews e.g, but I like to stir the pot and rant about whatever is eating at me at that particular point. I mean my last post was about my boobs. See how jaded I have become. How open and stupidly TMI I am? Sorry for that, by the way. I finally realised, that I have this magical Internet shield, which makes all my readers random numbers on the Post Stat page. It's not like I have any interactions with my readers. No one comments (usually), therefore I am left with the knowledge that people pass by, but no one really cares what I talk about. That's why I feel free to discuss depression, my boobs and other insecurities, my incredible life choices and how much I like to crochet. I don't even care if my language is PG enough. I can cuss as much as I want! My mother never reads this anyway, she doesn't speak English! 

The only weird thing that I am actually proud to mention, is that I don't give out people's names anymore. At first it was all Helena did this and Helena did that. Now I either use a nickname or just the initials of the person I am smashing or passing (am I out of date with that?). I know I post my general location, I like to mention that I live in Estonia, and I also post pictures, most have me and my friends in them, but those images are already on my Instagram page and that shit ain't private. As I don't do drugs, attend crazy ragers (is that even a word anymore?) or do anything illegal, there isn't really a reason for me to hide my life, now is there? I mostly post about my arts and crafts nonsense anyway. My life is a big pile of nothing. Sad, if You really think about it.

What I have planned to do, or at least attempt from now on, is to write about the books I've been reading. I give these weird whiny reviews for movies and TV-shows, but I do read. I am at least 33% cultural and educated in my activities. The rest of me may fall into question as I spend an ungodly amount of time playing LoL, watching crap that will rot my brain or just doing nothing. My existence should really be reviewed and questioned. I think I need help...

Anyhow, I think I will stop here. I analysed to some extent my blogging habits. I also made some promises I know I will not keep (not because I don't care, I really do. It's just hard for me to keep this blog in mind...). The summer season is soon to begin, and it will bring some blockbuster films and a new season of Game of Thrones with it. You know what I will eventually spend my time with, right? 

So, unless I also write another post ahead of time, I will see you sometime in the distant future.
Try to not hate me too much.


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