Thursday, April 20, 2017


I have worked in the same establishment since September 2011. I started my "career" as a lowly receptionist. And I have to be honest, I was bad at it. For quite some time actually. I was actually close to getting fired at one point. Once I hit the two month mark, my tasks simply clicked and I have rocked at my job ever since. This is not the first time in my life when something is hard at first. When I went to primary school, the English level there was much higher than I was used to. I was terrible at it and I think my teacher disliked me quite a lot. I dug myself out of that hole and I suppose, earned his respect whilst doing so.

Same goes for my job. I was in a hole, dug myself out of it and now I can honestly say, I'm almost friends with my boss. Which is unprofessional and that's why it's totally fine by me, that we're not actually friends. We just get along very well. She can trust me to do my job and manage the others as well, when she's away on holiday or simply enjoying a day off. When I'm there, things get done. Somewhat.

I have evolved in my position, during the years. I now hold the title of chef, which is a bit more skill oriented than being a receptionist. I mean, I only had to want the job, speak English on an adequate level and the position was mine. When it comes to working in the kitchen, you need some cooking skills and the fortitude to make fast decisions and use your logic. Let's say a couple comes in. They both order a main course, one picks fish and the other picks pork off the menu. No way in hell should they be put on the grill/stove at the same time. Fish cooks in mere minutes, pork takes some time. One has to have some logical thought abilities to function, successfully, in a kitchen.

And even though I still do some receptionist shifts during the winter season, I am not complaining. I make enough money to spoil myself rather well, I have no one else to worry about. I have taken either a summer off, been to a educational practise and even went abroad to France for four months, I still find myself back here. I quit, like I thought it was it, in May 2015. I was away for about a month, before I was offered a free training to become a chef in the kitchen. I took it, obviously. People say my food tastes good, that's all I strive towards. I am interested in pursuing a career in the culinary arts, at the moment. Just need to figure it all out for myself and start moving my butt.

Another big bonus, is simply the location. I am in love with Haapsalu. I'm from a town that is four times as big as Haapsalu. Pärnu is not too big, there are just some issues I have with it. Firstly, it is full of tourists during the summer. You cannot enjoy going out on the town without being stuck in some Finnish group. I don't like that. Secondly, accommodation in Pärnu is insanely over-priced. People who rent out their apartments ask for a different rent during the summer months and that's just mean. In general. And lastly, you cannot get a job in the service industry without speaking Finnish. This is odd, because very few schools offer Finnish as a course. I never had that option. I can speak fluent English, communicate well in French and manage in Russian. What else do you need from me?

The last paragraph might have been simply a list of excuses, why I'd rather stay in Haapsalu. And that had nothing to do with my job. Sorry.

I will simply add, that working in this small hotel has opened me up as a person. Before this place, I was afraid of strangers, now I can talk to anyone about anything. I haven't felt depressed in a long time and if you've read this blog for a while, you know about how I used to get these periods in my life when I felt depressed. Hasn't happened in years. I know my mother thinks I'm wasting my time and intelligence staying here, but at this point in my life, I feel happy. And shouldn't we all aspire to feel this way? I don't know how to explain this to her, though. I get the feeling that I am a disappointment most of the time, which I do apologise for. Although I have to add, that I am comfortable enough in my self, that I can take that and still do as I believe I should do. Therefore, I am going to stay put for some time. Until I feel it's time to move on.

I don't know when this simple praise for my job turned into a philosophical thesis about being fulfilled and happy with ones life. I tend to do that. I will now try and finish this post off. Time to get ready for another day. Time to kick some theoretical ass.

As long as you believe that what you're doing is the right thing for you, keep at it. This piece if advice goes well with all aspects of our daily lives. Our jobs, families, friends and significant others. Even dreams and hobbies. Just believe in yourself, sometimes, mother doesn't know best.

Strength to all my little stalkers,


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