Thursday, April 27, 2017


Do I even need to defend myself here? I think it's quite obvious, that loving this show has been a thing for me for years. Ever since I posted my first fall TV list, it's always been on it, mostly on top of the list. I have never done a full post about this show, even though I have been watching it for about ten years now. That's a long time.

I first discovered the show back in late 2007 or early 2008. I used to watch "Dark Angel" and I really liked season 2, where Jensen Ackles played Alec. He was the most entertaining part of the show for me. I also was a fan of Smallville and he played on that show as well. This was all way before I even knew his name. I saw a commercial for Supernatural on my local TV channel and I recognised his face. I googled the show and found out why he looked so familiar. I really wanted to try that show out. Back then it aired on Tuesdays, at 2 a.m. This meant I went to bed at 10 and set an alarm for myself at 1:45. I was torturing myself, since Wednesday was always a school day. 

I missed one or two episodes, because I couldn't get myself out of bed. I really loved the show by that time, so I went online and found a place called SideReel. Now, I know I've mentioned this place before. It used to have links, so that I could watch shows without paying for them. I honestly use this method only for shows I love and cannot get any other way. Now, SideReel just keeps track of my shows, let's me know which episode I saw last and when the next one airs. I still have to stream this show illegally. I would pay for it, if I could, but we don't have it on Netflix here (YET! fingers crossed...). I used to binge watch it back in the day, a lot. 

Once I discovered streaming online, I also noted that it was airing its third season. I had to watch all of the episodes and catch up. I didn't have to get up at 2 a.m anymore, so that was awesome. And then, something terrible happened. If you have watched this show, you know that season 3 is shorter than the rest. It also ends with a major cliff hanger, especially when you prefer Dean, like I do. But, unless you watched the show when that season aired, you might not know that they were not sure there was going to be season 4. So, imagine the ending in season 3 as the final episode. Yeah, just breathe in that paper bag. 

Luckily for my sanity, the show did get renewed and is still going strong. It's about to finish season 12 and season 13 has been confirmed. In my honest opinion, the show kind of turned stale during seasons 7-10, but it has surely picked up again and I am enjoying it as much as I used to. 

Dean used to be the funniest guy and I get that his life is full of chaos and misfortune, I just wish he hadn't lost that awesome sense of humour. Dean is my favourite, as I already mentioned. I like the way he makes everyone his bromance partner. First, there was Castiel, who at first was a stiff rule following angel, but being around Dean, it changed him. He's almost human now. Crowley, King of Hell, is his little buddy, even if they don't like to aknowledge that. Benny the vampire. I mean, Dean was besties with a vampire. As his character evolves, so does the show's potential. Jensen Ackles is awesome, both on screen and off. Or at least so it seems to be. 

Sam is sometimes a bit whiny for my personal taste. And I'm not that into the long hair. I myself have a "wide" mohawk at the moment, so I have less hair than he does. Jared Padalecki, he also seems to be an awesome human. His charity work is really meaningful and I like that celebrities use their power for good. Rather than being on the front pages of tabloids and TMZ. 

The people involved with Supernatural are insane. Both the actors and all the crew and writers etc. And also the fans. I don't partake in the fandom, because I am a rational human being. Or so I at least pretend to be. Fandoms are generally considered to be a 13-year-old's thing, here in Estonia. 25 is not the age to scream and cry every time you meet your TV hero. But still, the fandom is awesome. Whenever there's a competition where fans decide the winner, they win. For example, Entertainment Weekly let the fans pick the fall magazine cover for the first time and obviously Supernatural won. Because their fandom is insane and massive. 

I sometimes feel as if I should hide my love for this show. It's not that well known here, mainly because they don't air it. Although, I did notice that one cable channel has started to air it. Only, they decided to start with season 9 for some odd reason. Seasons 1-3 were hilarious, seasons 4-6 introduced the angels, seasons 7-9 were all about the big story lines. Why they skipped the first 8, I have no idea, but people watching are missing out on some classic Dean. I mean, "Do these tacos taste funny to you?" is a classic line! And episodes like "Yellow Fever", "Changing Channels" and "French Mistake" are the bomb.

All in all, I love this show and I think it's about time I talk about it. I hope I didn't use too many spoilers in this little love letter. I tried not to be too specific. Anyway, until my next post. Maybe I will keep up with my weekly posting schedule, who knows? It is a bit odd to write a post two to three weeks ahead of time, but if that's the way I keep my blog going, I will do it. Promises, promises... I know.

All my love,

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