I've made some awesome and some horrible choices when it comes to my life. Not during this past week of course, but in the course of my life. Why I'm babbling about this? Well, I've made some new choices that I have discussed with K and she sees the reason behind my decision. I've made up my mind to finish this year and then take one off. Of course that might change, because I know I feel exhausted now, but during the summer break I will rest and feel better again. The main reason for this idea, is the fact that this is the 15th year I've been in school. There are no breaks and school is slowly becoming the only thing I know. I want to do other things with my life as well, but if I keep studying and finish in two years, I will be heading off to work in a school and that basically means that I will never get out of school again. So this might be my last chance to do something else.
I've made up a plan on how I'm going to spend that year. I will not be idle and sit at home eating food and gaining weight. No, I will get a job and maybe even take some classes that I've unfortunately missed during these past three years. I will use the time to get to know myself again. Maybe I will find that becoming a teacher is not what I want after all, maybe I will miss it so much that I'll regret my previous decision. Whatever the case might be, I need that break and I need that chance to redevelop myself.
Okay, some of you who read this might feel compelled to address the subject in real life. I will gladly answer any questions you might have, but if you couldn't understand my reasons by reading this post, I'm fairly certain I can't explain it any better face to face.
Other news I wanted to share: The Kiss of Death is back in business. I posted chapter 3 this week and to be honest I've already finished chapter 4. I'm just waiting for a decent time to post it. Must give chapter 3 a chance to be read and thought off. I'm currently working on ch 5. I forced K to listen to the story this week. She seemed intrigued enough to give me some confidence to continue. As no body comments on my posts here or on any of the story blogs I manage, I must get information somehow. I'd like it very much if people told me what they thought about the characters or the storyline. The Kiss of Death is a re-write so the storyline is pretty much done, but there's always some leeway with the personalities of the characters.
Anyway, I think this week's post is quite informative. Not as insane as last week. I do apologize for boring you with such random ideas. I hope this week will be less of a let down.
xoxo Regina
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