Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I've Been Very Bad...

As You all have noticed, I blogged like maybe twice this summer. I am not sure that You appreciated my vlogs as much as I originally expected. I'm referring to my blog's statistics which show a massive dive. Not that I'm very interested in the numbers per say, I'm just concerned I have let you down or something. Therefore, no more vlogs and I'll stick to using my words. That way what I'm trying to say comes better across anyway. 

So, another topic? 

I have been and will be for some time, quite busy with a pointless task. I decided to make a list of every movie I have ever watched. I started with the year 2000 just to make it easier for the time being, but as it turns out, I've watched a lot of crap. I've been at it for two days and I just got to 2004. Yeah, I'm that insane. 2013 is a long way to go and then it's the 90s, 80s etc. At the moment it is simply  a list on word, but I plan to make it a complicated table in Excel so that I can make some statistics out of it. Maybe I'll even sort them into genres at some point in my life. And a good thing about this computerized list, is that I can simply always add to it. 

I will not call you guys up to doing the same, from my little experience I can safely say that it's pointless and time consuming. Plus, typing gets annoying after  a while. Shocking, right?

I might one day, when I'm somewhat finished with it, share the numbers with you, just so that we could compare them. Maybe you happen to know exactly how many comedies or thrillers you've watched. Maybe I'm not alone in this insanity. 

Anyhow, I will now continue with it, because otherwise I'm going to be doing it when I'm 60 and my eyesight will probably be half gone by then. :)

All my patience,

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