Monday, September 23, 2013

I feel..... meh!

Why is it mandatory to feel heartbroken and cry whenever we break up with someone? Why are people assuming that we are not dealing with our issues unless we lock ourselves in our room and listen to depressing music? Is crying really the only acceptable way one deals with ending a relationship?

My friend recently broke up with the guy she believed to be the one. Now all her friends are saying she's in denial, because she feels fine. Yeah, she cried at first, but she's moved on. Not dating someone else. She's not that bad, but she is trying to move on mentally. And those friends are not helping. 

I know how she feels. I've actually gone through something similar with a guy who dumped me. He might have been the most serious relationship I've had. At least it was the longest, maybe even the funnest. Now, on this day, when I think of him, I don't feel anything either negative nor positive. I'm over it. Well, I think I was over it two weeks after the fact. Does that make me a heartless bitch? I don't think so.

And the same goes for my friend. She is not a bad person simply because she knows how to move on with her life. Would it be more healthy if she drank herself silly everyday and cried herself to sleep. Fortunately only Bella does that shit. Moving on is easy if you want to.

To complete this short and rather vapid blog: I am so busy at the moment that I don't know where I will find the time and energy to complete all my tasks. I need a time freeze machine. And now that I have a new laptop, all my free time goes into playing and discovering. Damn my parents for being so freaking awesome. :D

Anyways, live long and prosper my friends. See you soon,


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