Well, the first week is really just three days. One was spent travelling and I think I still haven't fully recovered from it. But I will not start whining about the hardships I've faced. Here are some interesting things I noticed when it comes to the French:
1. There is no rule as to how many cheek kisses you will get. Sometimes it's two, sometimes it's four. Confusing.
2. They eat dinner or supper after 8 p.m. which for an Estonian is really late. They eat dinner from 8 until 12 p.m. That's called night, btw.
3. They re-use their plate for several dishes by cleaning it with bread. Not too weird, but still, I had to put it down.
4. They water down their alcoholic drinks. With water.
5. They place little toys in their cakes to find out who is the king or queen of the table. Yeah, they only do it for the Day of the Three Kings, but talk about competitive people. Who didn't get one was really annoyed.
6. As a decently educated Estonian, I was taught to eat with my for in my left hand and my knife in my right hand. Apparently it's not the case in France. At first they are placed on the table like you'd expect to find them, but everyone (and I mean everyone) uses their fork with their right hand. I actually had to laugh when I noticed it.
Tegelikult oli mu esimene nädal vaid kolm päeva. Ühe neist veetsin reisides ning ma pole ikka veel päriselt taastunud. Aga ma ei hakka vinguma. Järgnevalt loetlen mõningaid huvitavaid fakte prantslaste kohta:
1. Pole otsest reeglit, et mitu põsemusi sa saad. Mõnikord on kaks, teinekord neli. Päris segadust tekitav.
2. Õhtusööki süüakse peale kella 8., mis on eestlase jaoks päris hilja. Ja süüakse kella 8st kuni 12ni. Seda aega nimetatakse ööks muide.
3. Ühte taldrikut kasutatakse mitme käigu jaoks, vahepeal puhastavad taldriku saiaga. See polegi nii väga imelik, aga mõtlesin ta ikkagi kirja panna.
4. Nad lahjendavad oma alkohoolseid jooke. Veega.
5. Kookide sisse topvad väikeseid mänguasju, et teada saada, kes on laua kuningas või kuninganna. Noh, nad teevad seda ainult kolme kuninga päeva puhul.
6. Normaalselt haritud eestlasena on mulle selgeks tehtud, et kahvel käib vasakusse kätte ja nuga paremasse. Tuleb välja et Prantsusmaal sellist reeglit ei ole. Algselt on kõik laual tavalises paigutuses, kui kui sööma asutakse, siis on kahvel paremas käes. Ma päris naersin, kui seda märkasin.
Anyways, I will now go. All my post will maybe be bi-lingual for the time being.
Igathaes, ma nüüd lähen. Kõik mu postitused saavad olema kakskeelsed, vähemalt hetke seisuga.
Itaalias süüakse ka õhtusööki ülimalt hilja. Eile oli see kl 9.
As far as I know, eating with only your fork and using it with your right hand is an american custom.
@Ari , but you see, they still use the knife, it's just in their left hand.
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